We can tell from the stats that we have lots of traffic on our blog. Lurkers, who aren’t speaking up. That’s fine, we’re happy with lurkers. But we’d love to know who you are.
That’s why we’re offering a unique incentive.
Everyone who leaves comments on the blog will be put into a draw when we have finished the novel and two lucky prizewinners will get the chance to have their name used in the novel itself.
We will leave the character names for one male and one female character until then. It could be YOUR NAME that we insert into the finished piece.
The female character is a sex doll. No sex scenes will be necessary, so your reputation will be intact.
The male character is a corpse, who spends much of the narrative being locked in a chest.
All you need to do is start commenting on the blog.
Each comment gets a new chance in the draw, so the more chatter, the better your chance.
To start the ball rolling, I’ll ask a question: what blog posts would you like to see? Is there an aspect of collaborative writing that we haven’t covered yet, or anything else that you think our readers would find interesting?