Pigeon Park Press wanted to find a new way to showcase local writing.
It’s not very easy to find stories and poems that are set locally, but as readers we always get excited when we find something with a local flavour; something we can relate to because we recognise the setting.
This is how the concept of the Birmingham Reader’s Map was born.
We’ve collected together a number of stories and poems that are set in and around Birmingham and pinned them to the most relevant location.
It’s based on GoogleMaps, so it should be obvious and intuitive to use.
We expect that we will continue to discover work that is set locally, and we will add it to the map. If you know of a story or poem that takes place on the area covered by the map then please get in touch and we will add it!
We must extend a big thank you to all of the people who stopped and looked at the low-tech version of the map when we put it out at the Birmingham Independent Book Fair in April. Quite a few of the things that we’ve added since came from ideas that were given to us on the day, so if you were one of those people, then thanks, and take a look at what you helped to create.
Here is the online version of the Birmingham Reader’s Map. We hope you like it!