Fantasycon is in Peterborough this year, from 29th September to 1st October.
If you’re thinking of coming along, it would be great to see you.
It’s a friendly convention, and in spite of the name, you’ll find writers and readers of all types there.
Heide and Iain are making several appearances at Fantasycon this year, so we’ve listed them all for you, to make it easier.
15:30 “The author as a business” (Heide will join this panel event)
22:00 Iain will be doing a reading
10:00 Comedy Writing workshop, run by Heide and Iain
14:00 “Humour in genre fiction” (Heide will join this panel event)
15:00 Heide will be doing a reading
20:30 “Mythology, folk tales & the imagination” (Iain will join this panel event)
22:00 “Collaborative writing” (Heide and Iain will join this panel event)
13:00 “Writing Research” (Iain will join this panel event)
A non-Fantasycon event:
20:00 Fiction Fix in the Draper’s Arms, Peterborough