Amazon reviews – forbidden for collaborators?
Amazon have been deleting my reviews. I’d reviewed Iain’s book, “A Gateway Made of Bone”. Have you read it? It’s rather good. I made a review that was a lot more helpful than that. It covered characters, style, world and plot. It gave small tidbits, with no big spoilers. I tried to leave out the…
6 good reasons and 3 bad reasons to write collaboratively
(an extract from the forthcoming book, “How To Write A Collaborative Novel” by Heide Goody and Iain Grant) There are lots of reasons to collaborate. Indeed, to remangle a frequently mangled Shakespearean quote, some people are born to collaborate, some achieve collaboration and others have collaboration thrust upon them. Of the reasons that people give…
Book sales. Our experience of what makes them happen.
So, when you sell a book, you want to make sales, right? How do you approach that? Do you start with the people you can reach out to immediately and ask them to help you spread the word? Do you try and create a buzz in the local area? Do you try to establish yourselves…
Loughborough Literary Salon
Last Friday, Heide and I were invited to speak about our experiences of collaborative writing and publishing at Loughborough University. Frankly, I think we were only invited along because the guy from Angry Robot couldn’t make it. We approached it with the utmost honesty about the smallness of our operation. In fact, Heide kicked me…
Collaborative writer in solo book shocker (pt 2)
From the Pigeon Park Press website: “Million Dollar Dress, by Heide Goody, currently available on Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk In this modern-day Cinderella story, cutting edge technology gives Justine the body of a supermodel at the flick of a switch. She uses her new-found confidence and sex appeal to snare her ideal man. But…
Collaborative writer in solo book shocker (pt 1)
From the Pigeon Park Press website: “A Gateway Made Of Bone by Iain Grant, available now from Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk The Seelie Court controls an empire of a thousand suns, each world linked to the next by the black oneirium gateways of the Sacred Guild of Gatemakers. While the empire plunders the conquered worlds…
All Hallow’s Read event – Great Success
The inaugural Pigeon Park Press spoken word evening was a wonderful successful. The audience for the All Hallow’s Read event filled the performance space at the lovely 6/8 Kafe in Birmingham. Katharine d’Souza The two hour event featured stories and poetry from the likes of Katharine d’Souza (author of Park Life), Mark Faulkner (author of…
Testing the water – how do you know you’ve found the right collaborator?
What do you do if you and a potential collaborator have found each other, but you’re not sure if you are ready to commit to working together? You write some test pieces. This might sound like a lot of hassle if you want to dive in and create the finished article, but if you imagine…