The Birmingham Reader’s Map
Pigeon Park Press wanted to find a new way to showcase local writing. It’s not very easy to find stories and poems that are set locally, but as readers we always get excited when we find something with a local flavour; something we can relate to because we recognise the setting. This is how the…
Ten To One Novel completed!
After months of co-operative, collaborative and competitive writing, the first draft of the Ten To One novel (edited by Iain Grant) has been completed. The story-writing project, which saw one author voted out after each round of chapters, started with ten authors and finished with just one, Simon Fairbanks. The finished story, a tale of…
Pigeon Park Press presents another Birmingham spoken word event
Pigeon Park Press is pleased to announced that its sixth spoken word event, “Saints, Sinners and Fools”, will be held on 30th April at the 6/8 Kafe in Temple Row, Birmingham. The event, running from 6:30pm – 8:30pm, which is free and open to all, will showcase some of the amazing poets, writers and…
Ten To One Author Interview – Jason Holloway
Iain is currently acting as editor and cat-herder-in-chief on a collaborative novel with TEN (count them, TEN) writers. A contemporary story set in a tacky British seaside resort, the Ten To One novel follows ten characters whose lives intersect that of a mysterious old man… We thought we’d ask those ten…
There’s a free exhibition on at the National Gallery in London where they have two Sunflowers paintings by Van Gogh hanging side by side. One of them is normally to be found in London, the other is on loan from Amsterdam. I went there yesterday, and it’s the most fascinating experience to see them together.…
Ten To One Author Interview – Simon Fairbanks
Iain is currently acting as editor and cat-herder-in-chief on a collaborative novel with TEN (count them, TEN) writers. A contemporary story set in a tacky British seaside resort, the Ten To One novel will follow ten characters whose lives intersect that of a mysterious old man… We thought we’d ask those ten writers…
Ten To One author interview – Maria Mankin
Iain is currently acting as editor and cat-herder-in-chief on a collaborative novel with TEN (count them, TEN) writers. A contemporary story set in a tacky British seaside resort, the Ten To One novel will follow ten characters whose lives intersect that of a mysterious old man… We thought we’d ask those ten writers about themselves…